Just Circles

Tuesday Recaps the Weekend

February 11, 2003
Ooooh Ooooh Ooooh

Asit sent me some pixtures.

Here is me from Friday night (back a couple entries) when Asit and I went to Elephant for duck. mmmmmm. ducks.

I was sitting next to this foolish girl who disclaimed crab cakes because she didn't like sea food, and then reported that she'd never eaten crab because she didn't like the way they looked with their little claws. This is me biting my tongue. ouch.

Asit lives just by the Elephant and he has always told me about it. This picture captures how excited he was to finally show it off to me. This is him with the rad-ass drink The Pink Elephant (very good, and I don't drink "cocktails" generally).

I can stand the sight of worms

and little microscopic germs

but technicolor pachyderms

are really too much for me.

Then at Patio. I'm staring at Seth - who I met there - listening to him explain to me how pointless formal education is. I'm listening, alright, but you can see from the furrowed brow and pursed lip and engaged left hand that I am ready to deliver a dissertation on how he can go fuck himself. After I was done, though, I forgave my behaviour by reminding the ole boy I'd been sucking on tequila all night.

On Saturday nothing normal happened, and I didn't have a camera, and I probably wouldn't post pictures even if I had.

Sunday we ate at Essex (New York magazine wrote it up as the best place to get sloppy drunk on a Sunday and I'm not even kidding) and were ready for sunshine-slumber when we hear S C R E A M I N G at us from across the street. Damn. It was Vanessa. She's the girl who you will see me hug, and compliment, and laugh with, but secretly I think she sucks, and she knows she sucks, and we both know we're full of shit, but since we're girls this is a game we play because Michael and Asit would kick her ass if she treated me like shit and Michael would kick my ass if I treated her like shit so here's a picture of me faking like we're buddies:

Good stuff, huh?

6:32 p.m. ::
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