Just Circles

I Filled Up and Put Out and It Was The Most Unecessary Time For Both

November 23, 2002
I asked to see him because there was so much I wanted to know about him in order to find out if I could truly spend time with him, but like a fool I got myself as drunk as I've ever been before he showed up, and I know we did a lot of talking, but of what I have no clue. I know we did a lot of kissing, too, and that I slept on top of him and didn't have my boss' car back from the train station in time for him to get it to the shop. It sounds like nonsense, I know, for me to be ashamed of myself, because what man doesn't want to get off work and be attacked by a girl they think is "totally hot?" But I am ashamed, there's so much I want him to like about me, and that I want to know about him, and I just cut right to the "shut up and kiss me" part. He sat down next to me at the bar at the Patio just as I expertly put away a shot of tequila and washed it down with my last sip of Stella. I smiled at him coyly to gather his response, which was, "I really should go home and go to bed, but I'm totally not going to do that at all." Standing up against the gnarley bar as he said, "...it was Steely Dan: Reelin in the Years..." when I kissed him in a way nice girls don't do when they've only been with a fella twice, and in the first five minutes. He grabbed his drink, "...let me catch up with you." He never caught up with me: I'd been drinking tequila. Sweet, sweet, Jon. Soft and simple. I like this one.
5:07 p.m. ::
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