Just Circles

This is a PAID holiday, right?

January 20, 2003
I'm enjoying the upright position right now after being pinned to my bed by the death-grip of naussea since seven o'clock this morning.

Happy birthday, Reverend Doctor.

Have a good trip, Tylere.

In you honor I'll be knealt humbly against the bathroom tiles with radiant-heat, gripping the sink, allowing the "Bold look of Kohler" to cool my fever, puking nothing but water.

I'm so dehydrated.

My mom isn't home.

Okay, well, that's all I've got today. A bunch of vomit, sleeping, and puking.

I'm finally keeping water down now, and so, like I say, I'm enjoying the upright position.

5:57 p.m. ::
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