Just Circles

parting ways

August 25, 2004
It's a strange feeling to know that my online-journaling days are ending. But I'm enticed by my paper books and pretty pens - again - and am eager to dive back into the secretive, mystery-whispering coves of my mind as it appears when no one else can read.

But what about you? Are you going to be okay without me?

I'm in SC spending two glorious weeks with my Michael. Clearly, my activities are not things I'm interested in sharing. Everything is perfect, still.

Five months for us.

Also, I received a teaching assistantship for the fall. That means I get to take four courses for free, and they pay me $1,000 a month for five months. Trust me: in Indiana where the rent is only $400 for the huge house I live in, a grand is more than sufficient.

This is almost better than what the Army stipends my boyfriend.

So it means I can do graduate school with out borrowing a penny. That's really good. Time for research.

But tonight I need to cook dinner for my boyfriend because he's already back in school.

Dental school...

8:27 a.m. ::
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