Just Circles

I have no car

August 24, 2003
At last! What a lovely, long month I've had, but now I've arrived at my destination.

Friday afternoon I arrived here in Bloomington with Mama and Tello (her husband) after a really pleasant eight-hour drive across Tennessee and Kentucky.

Indiana surprised me with the hills and curves around Bloomington. I'm pleased, though, because this town is right next to a national forest.

I love knowing that there's a wilderness "right there," which is why I loved Cleveland, and the South Georgia swamp-country.

My apartment dissapointed me at first. I really thought I was going to burst into tears when I entered the hot, shoddy-repaired, tiny space.

It's located directly between a liquor store and a porn shop.

The three of us were exhausted, and yet somehow managed to unload the truck *and* the trailer full of my shit in a half an hour. I mean, we were in Hulk-mode.

When we finished unloading, and had my shit (I have a lot of shit) situated in it's respective rooms, we drove around the campus.

Mind you: I've never seen IU in my life, so I was overwhelmingly pleased to see that my classroom's building is in the style of the classic universities like Cambridge and Oxford.

The huge campus is sprawling and well-kept. Walnut trees in abundance (though I prefer pecan).

I'm going to have to figure out about that statue of the naked woman falling into the water with a baraccuda between her knees. "The Noodler" we called it.

There's a main strip here with a lot of lovely looking shops, restaurants, cafes, clubs, etc. We drove down in the truck - three abreast - looking like effing rednecks, and got a good laugh at ourselves.

Then we went to the liquor store where Tello and I perused the holdings and Mama introduced herself to the undergrads behind the counter.

"If I gave you my phone number would you call and report how much alcohol my daughter buys?" she asked them, among other things.

Now I can never shop there because I'll be the "girl with the mom."

Around midnight on Friday we went to the WalMart (not Super) and bought a fan (and other shit) because my apartment's AC doesn't cool too well. The Mart of Wal was packed with incoming students.

I am going to a really big school.


The remainder of the wee-hours were spent among pizza a Budweiser until we collapsed.

Yesterday we had coffee together, and Tello installed an extra lock on my front door.

Then they left.

I kissed Mama and hugged her and she turned quickly away and I knew her eyes must be filled with tears. Then Tello hugged me and assured me I could call for help. They descended the stairs, got in the truck, and waved... then blew the horn just as they passed out of sight.

I came inside, locked my two locks, and went to the bathroom with the door open. And took a shower. Because I can.

Honestly, I felt like my brain and my heart were about to explode. I busied myself with photo albums and old letters and beer.

Then Tylere called and talked to me for a couple of hours, it felt like. That made me feel calmer. He is a reliever of anxiety.

As well as an enigma.

My own private enigma, that Tylere.

I need a car, you need a guide who needs a map; if I don't die or worse I'm gonna need a nap; at worst I'll be asleep when you get back

So then I felt better, and I called my assigned "mentor" and she offered to take me grocery shopping, which was awesome. So now I have food.

Pasta, canned vegetables, beans, rice, juice, bagels, and Count Chocula.

Yeah, you know me.

When I returned from shopping this fella named Jon called me. He lives here in town, and had messeged me through Friendster about six weeks ago. He works for a label here in town, and on another, and offered to introduce me to the "scene" here.

Last night Jon took me to a warehouse where Zespy lives inside a van and we listened to a band called Rapider than Horsepower.

They gave me some cd's.

There were some cool looking kids there, and it was overall an interesting night. The music was good.

I was in bed by twelve-thirty.

And now: Sunday afternoon and time for decorating the ole apartamente. Tomorrow begins my orienation.

Classes begin in a week.

12:16 p.m. ::
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