Just Circles

maybe there's a God above...

September 03, 2003
...but all I ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who outdrew ya...

This afternoon's entry was a little sticky with that unwashed-film like morning-after teeth for someone who smoked heavily and passed out. I have to admit I walked around feeling that way all day.

Someone shook my hand yesterday.

My body sincerely suffers from being untouched. Severely.

I sat in the library and read for three hours tonight. One chapter. Phonology. I didn't understand any of it.

Then I thought about the guy in that class who has a degree in computer science who has never heard a word of linguistics in his life. He just wants to teach computers how to talk...

I felt better after thinking about him, because I'm better than he is.

The twins are thirteen today, so I called and was able to feel their sweet, undiminished love. They should get my gift package tomorrow.

I was just kidding about thinking I am better than that computer science guy. I felt comforted in knowing we all are here with insubstantial background.

When the bus dropped me off by my home I wound around into the liquor store and picked up a nice bottle of Shiraz.

I'm a red wine girl, and rarely white.

Maggie called and really soothed my weird feelings.

Seriously: I left the house feeling plastic and grimey and then spent all day in the library reading a book on some kind of -ology. I smoked a lot today, too.

Maggie made me laugh so hard I cried as we decided to no longer use the word "Heimlech" but instead "hymen" just see how it is perceived by her sister, who is queezy with topics of a sexual nature.

Like when emofaerie replies to a question with, "Twat? I cunt hear you?" it freaks her out.

It's eleven now, and hopefully I will fall asleep well. And then wake up early enough to read a little more. And remember to take a lighter with me to school.

Tomorrow night I've got karaoke with the physicists. They've called, of course, because they're thoughtful little nerds, and will be here nine o'clock sharp to pick me up.

Yes, I spelled fellatio wrong, but I still formed the proper past tense of the verb form.

Furthermore, asitwere, I will not become a lawyer. My former boss says I was not cut out for it, and I believe him.

By the time I get out of here I'll be an icy old scientist with cobwebs in my grey hair, eating too many carbs, hoping there is still a physicists or two out there who can show me the hymen maneuver.

Remeber when I used to be in love with Tylere? yeah, I know, I don't talk about his pretty ass any less, but still. I used to say I was in love with him, and yet willing for someone to eclipse him (...I'm going to pretend I've forgotten those three weeks with Kasey, okay?); now I can say I am not in love with him, but I am completely willing for that to change.

I would have a sister-in-law named Mikaela, and she kicks so much ass; I lover her truly.

By the way: Maggie might be living in Brooklyn in November so all ya'll New Yorkers get ready for what I like to call "blue 32".

10:49 p.m. ::
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