Just Circles

Living Alone

March 19, 2004
Amelia and I spent more money than was wise yesterday, at the Gap outlet. Funny enough: but the Gap is the one store from which I own an embarrassing amount of clothes. Just a bunch of plain shirts for the summer.

When we got home I called Mike to ask him to come see Elefant with me on Saturday, and then the three of us decided to go to the movies. After I got off the phone I received a message from Mike asking to see me again. Aparently the phone didn't give me the message when it was sent.

Hmmm. I called him before getting his message, but I'm still happy he left one.

We saw Starsky and Hutch. I would not have liked it so much if I didn't have so much appreciation for the actors going into it.

What I loved was having my hand-held, and that this theater gives FREE REFILLS on slushies.

Mike and I talked very personally last night, building a lot of respect and trust, and incidentally... attraction. He said I'm the first girl to ever "shoot him down" and that's so "hot" because all he really wants is just to have me around.

I'm not supposed to tell anybody about how much he loves to cuddle, because that would blow his cover, but he does.

I slept through the whole night last night (unlike the first two).

I woke up around 8:30 from a dream that I thought we both were dreaming, so I pulled him close to me thinking, "we both figured it out." Then I fell back asleep.

Tonight we're having dinner together, and tomorrow we're going to see Elefant (probably).

I accidentally up and got me a man.

Oh, and I finally found a place in the neighboring town of Gnaw Bone where I can find good bar-b-q. I'm satiated in the briskette department.

12:20 p.m. ::
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