Just Circles

hooray for me and fuck you

September 08, 2003
okay, another slow start today...

...I must get myself to campus before noon this week...

...not that I have classes but I simply need the preparedness and to get my reading done...

...last night I chatted with Mikaela, and then Cadle called (the first time in a couple of years) and we talked for a couple of hours, and then I had to call Maggie to tell her about Cadle, so my cognitive neuroscience was placed on hold...

...which is why I should have been up at least by nine to have been reading...

....for some reason my mucus membranes are all producing blood: I'm coughing it and it's in my nose, too. That's gross: I'm sorry.

I want to listen to rowdy music today, so I'll pick from my sparce punk holdings for what I might find... AFI can stay at home today, though, so you all can be proud. :)

I think I will bring along NWA, though.

(I hate cooking meals alone in my kitchen for just me)

1:15 p.m. ::
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