Just Circles


November 04, 2002
Jon-the-kisser has called and we had the cutest little conversation. He made me giggle, he chatted about nonsense, about his weekend, and I made him laugh. He asked if I wanted to go to the movies, or a show, or something, just get together. We talked for quite a while, considering it was just the phone call to ask out and not the phone call after the first date, and at the end it was like we both were kind of giddy about how much we were enjoying talking to each other. He's twenty-one: I like my men young, okay?

He's into electronica.

He's a skateboarder. He was wearing skate shoes when we met, but that usually means nothing.

He tell random stories.

I'm excited in a way that I haven't been in a long time. Usually I get excited like this about situations that are far less promising than this one. Those situations were the only problem is: I've never actually met him, or he has a girlfriend, or he is just my friend.

I haven't been on a date with someone I was excited to go on a date with since I was with David, and he's been gone three years, so it's been an excrutiating long time since my love-life was a life.

Yesterday is so in the past right now, but that's okay, because I remember it fondly.

The premiere of my good times was when I called fair Nancy, and we got our boy talk on for something like two hours. If you must know, I've done pretty much everything she's dreamed of doing -- because I'm a professional wrong-man-picker -- so I dropped her some science on how to skim past some of the larger mistakes in life.


I'm kidding, we're both basically the same kind of pathetic.

After that, I went out for pizza with the kids where I tried to convince them to go to the zoo with me, but no, nope, uh-uh, they think they're too old.

Then V and I went and saw I Spy. It made me laugh a lot, really. Plus, Vicky and I both eat Twizzlers at movies, and we both like Batman better than Spiderman (but I'm still in love with the Incredible Hulk).

After I got home from the theater, I had a nother email from my darlingest boy in Tennessee. He's sending me a song every day, and I'll certainly keep warm with that. But I need to have an actual boy these days so I can truly know my feelings about the boy who doesn't love me back.

I called Tylere, and we talked for a long time, too. Somewhere over an hour. Blather and nonsense, but I miss that with him.

Then I had to call Maggie and it was in the middle of our conversation that Jon called. Of course, she let me go and then I called her back when it was over and gave her the whole story, and I felt like a precious highschooler.

Well, I'm obviously in giddy-girl-land because I can't write for shit.

9:05 a.m. ::
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