Just Circles

making love in the afternoon

October 27, 2004
I was eight years old and Mama had moved all four of us kids, one Jack Russell Terier, and two cats, up to Vermont in a VW Rabbit hatchback. Dad had divorced her recently so she retreated up north to a commune she had been a part of ten years before then. The commune was doing fairly well still - in 1986 - but it no longer published The Green Mountain Trading Post though the artists still lived in harmony.

I was one of several children running loose through everyone's home and garden, and the residents all took part in teaching the values of the place to all of us kids.

There was one couple there who had a grand dance studio and they taught and performed their wild dances. One day the lady of this couple had made a mass of fresh apple pies. My friend Becca and I asked for a slice and the lady wanted to know what we could give her in return. The true spirit of community there.

We thought about it, and returned to perform an original choreographed dance routine to Simon and Garfunkle's "Cecilia". It was stunning, I think, and we got some pie.

9:42 a.m. ::
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