Just Circles

To End The Week

April 12, 2003
The twelve-year-old can be maddening, but they make me happy, still.

I feel so I M P O R T A N T when I'm managing seven unruley too-rich-for-their-own-good hormones-a-raging twelve-year-olds. They love me.

But it was time to leave last night.

I came into the city and met up with Asit and his new friend Michelle. She did the Nanny gig so we talked shop some: I was very nice to her. But I didn't really spend a lot of time talking to her. Since I haven't come out to party the last couple weekends I had a lot of catching up to do: on drinking and people's lives.

Michael told me all about his father's ill-health.

Vanessa and I talked about hair and clothes.

Riley told me all about his troubled girlfriend.

Shaggy introduced us to his girlfriend finally.

Jimmy was shit-faced and would not stop rambling.

Hiro behaved himself.

and I spent a good deal of time talking to a Japanese guy from Scotland named Simon who's band Riley is in.

Come three-thirty I was sufficiently blasted.

We went inside the enroute-Exxon for nuts, as always, and I fell out in an uncontrolable case of giggles. Hilarious laughter. Just propped myself up against the "ATM inside" sign and could not stop convulsing.

Michelle became suddenly unable to handle the funniness and parted ways, saying she "didn't get the joke."

This made me laugh even harder since there was no fucking joke to get. I was the joke. Laughing was the joke. Six margaritas were the joke.

Her loss.

Mama emailed me a heavy letter yesterday, too, and I'm relaxed. It's just good to know that she actually DOES think all the things I need her to think, and she's not clueless. I'll write her later so she knows I'm not angry.

I am exactly like her, and that's the trouble.

Graduate school business is coming along nicely: I should have plenty of money to not have to work (praise God) and though I will get an apartment without seeing it first, there are no other complaints I have to pose.

I'm going to be a Big Ten.


Whatever that means.

I don't anticipate loving the midwest, as I tend to not like the mid-anything.

But I am dizzy with excitement to be back in school.

I must be doing something right.

2:43 p.m. ::
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