Just Circles

101 Facts, 2nd Edition

January 10, 2004
The revised 101 facts about me:

001 - I live alone, on my own, for myself.

002 - I'm in a graduate program for linguistics and cognitive science

003 - this is the first place I've lived where I didn't feel as though I were waiting for something else to happen and change my life

004 - my CD collection is my most valued posession

005 - my pen is the only tool I couldn't live without

006 - my older sister and two younger brothers are the most important people in my life, and they are the people to whom I matter the most

007 - I don't own a television or a radio

008 - I subscribe to JANE, National Geographic, Rolling Stone, and Harper's magazines.

009 - I'm a tenth generation Georgian

010 - the Brave's are my heros

011 - the southern way of life is sacred to me and will always feel like 'home'

012 - I sent out sixty Christmas cards this year, and received twenty

013 - I document my life thoroughly to make no mistake about the events therein

014 - understanding myself and how to be the best Michaela I can (for everyone involved) is something into which I put a great deal of time

015 - it's so easy to become desensitized that I prefer the challenge of maintaining at least an allusion to innocence in my life

016 - I am lazy

017 - I am tenatious

018 - between Dr. Pepper and bourbon I'm certain the only hydration I receive is in the shower

019 - the hardest challenge in my whole life, though, is getting out of bed every morning; it is physically frustrating

020 - when I realize how much work needs to be done, I just fall asleep

021 - I wait until the last minute and then adrenaline does all my work for me

022 - I smoke - primarily at night - and only Camel Lights (or Lucky filters)

023 - I was born in 1978 and still get carded for smokes sometimes

024 - when it comes to cooking I'm confident that I can make anything and please everyone

025 - I sing karaoke once a week and the general opinion is that my singing is okay, but my performance is stellar

026 - when I finish reading a book I imediately loan it to a friend, even if I have to mail it to them

027 - food made from home-grown ingredients satisfies much more than my hunger, especially if it's a soup

028 - Netflix solved about five problems I've dealt with in the past where film-viewing is concerned

029 - I have two tattoos, and the longer they are there the more they become a part of my body, like the freckle on my collar bone

030 - my tattoos were actually a part of me before they were manifested in ink; now they are permanent icons of who I am

031 - my favorite artist is a Czech lithograph-artist named Alphonse Mucha

032 - I have not had a boyfriend since the summer of 1999

to be continued...

3:52 p.m. ::
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